
Specific HRT tablets linked to increased risk of heart disease and blood clots

Certain hormone replacement therapy (HRT) tablets containing both estrogen and progestogen...

Specific protein patterns can predict IBD up to 16 years before diagnosis

Scientists at örebro University have identified specific protein patterns in blood...

Cocoa flavanols can protect the vascular system from stress

New research has found that a flavanol-rich cocoa drink can protect...

Intravenous infusion of exenatide fails to reduce risks of complications in heart surgery patients

A large-scale clinical trial found that intravenous infusion of exenatide, a...

Pandemic linked to 16% rise in babies born with heart defects

The proportion of babies born with a congenital heart abnormality increased...

Interactive atlas unveils immune changes in multiple myeloma

Multiple Myeloma (MM) is an incurable blood cancer, leading to weakened...

MD Anderson launches new institute for advancing cell therapy

The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center today announced the...

Polyphenol-rich Mediterranean diets could help keep the brain younger

A new study suggests that Mediterranean and green-MED diets, rich in...

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Exploring the Limitations and Opportunities of the ChatGPT API

The ChatGPT API has become one of the most exciting and transformative tools in the realm of artificial intelligence...
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Starting a Belgium Business: The Ultimate Guide for Entrepreneurs

Belgium, known for its robust economy, strategic location in the European Union, and business-friendly environment, has become an increasingly...

How Gaming Helps Improve Problem-Solving Skills

Gaming, particularly in the realm of online games like singapore online slot games, has become a widely embraced form...

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Exploring the Limitations and Opportunities of the ChatGPT API

The ChatGPT API has become one of the most...

Starting a Belgium Business: The Ultimate Guide for Entrepreneurs

Belgium, known for its robust economy, strategic location in...